Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year's Eve
My mom is working tonight but when she gets home we will watch "New Year's Rockin' Eve". I don't know what the big deal is about New Year's Eve. My mom says I will understand when I am older and can go to New Year's Eve parties. I sure hope so!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Nor'wester, Fourth Day
Guess what, the lights are back on! We are so lucky because we live so close to the hospital that when the hospital got their power back, we did too. Most everyone else in the county still has no lights. My friend Lhatie still doesn't.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The Nor'wester, Third Night
Tonight we got all settled in with our candles and books. My mom found her battery radio so at least we have a little noise. It's very quiet outside tonight; the wind and rain have stopped. I still can't get out the back door without swimming and my mom doesn't want me to do that, so she is still carrying me outside and back in. She said someday things will be back to normal. Does that mean we won't cuddle on the couch by candlelight? I will miss that.
The Nor'wester, Third Day
This morning it was really cold when we woke up and it's still raining and the wind is still blowing. I think my mom is getting a little worried about the flooding because the Chehalis River is rising very fast and it's close to our house. She said she is going to leave my life jacket on while she is at work so I can float up to the ceiling. I think she was kidding but I don't know. My cat brothers Carlos and Kato don't seem to care about any of this but I can tell my mom is nervous. She went to the grocery store this morning to try to get some water and canned food but it was closed and there were electric lines and trees down in the streets. She said everything in town is closed, even Wal-Mart!
It's funny to think 50 miles away in Olympia, life is normal. We were going to go there and stay at a motel on her days off tomorrow and Thursday but we don't have enough gas and there is no gas in town at all. Even gas stations as far away as Olympia are running out. So I guess we are stuck here. I am getting use to it though, but it is quiet without the radio.
It's funny to think 50 miles away in Olympia, life is normal. We were going to go there and stay at a motel on her days off tomorrow and Thursday but we don't have enough gas and there is no gas in town at all. Even gas stations as far away as Olympia are running out. So I guess we are stuck here. I am getting use to it though, but it is quiet without the radio.
Monday, December 3, 2007
The Nor'wester, Second Day
When we woke up it was daylight but there were still no lights. The wind was even worse than last night and the rain was even harder. The streets are flooded and so is the yard. My mom says she can't take a shower or anything. She found a flashlight and got candles ready for tonight but then we went to Home Depot to see if we could find a lantern of some kind and some batteries for the flashlight. Even though Home Depot is very close to our house it was hard to get there because streets are flooded and there are trees across the road everywhere. There is even a tree lying across the railroad track. This is scary for a little person like me. My mom said not to worry though, we will be fine. But it is hard for me to go outside because the water outside the back door is getting very deep. My mom is about to leave for work so i hope I don't get too scared while she is gone.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Nor'wester, Second Night
I was a little scared after my mom left to go to work today because it was still really noisy outside with the wind and the rain. I kept hearing crashes and I was afraid maybe it was trees and things. To make it worse, she couldn't leave the radio on like she usually does. But I went to sleep with all my loofa toys and my big otter beside me.
When my mom came home for dinner at 8 pm, she had to carry me out into the yard because the water outside the back door was too deep for me. She went out there with a flashlight so we could make sure I wouldn't drown. She told me she was going to put my life jacket on me next time! I think she was serious. After running around in the hurricane though, I was sleepy and I didn't wake up until she got home at 11:30. She works at the hospital and she said it was crazy there because they had generators running and lots of people couldn't get to work.
It was fun tonight though because we had candles everywhere and we sat on the couch with the quilt on us and she read a book and I played with my toys and chewed on rawhide. I will feel better when the wind and rain stop though.
When my mom came home for dinner at 8 pm, she had to carry me out into the yard because the water outside the back door was too deep for me. She went out there with a flashlight so we could make sure I wouldn't drown. She told me she was going to put my life jacket on me next time! I think she was serious. After running around in the hurricane though, I was sleepy and I didn't wake up until she got home at 11:30. She works at the hospital and she said it was crazy there because they had generators running and lots of people couldn't get to work.
It was fun tonight though because we had candles everywhere and we sat on the couch with the quilt on us and she read a book and I played with my toys and chewed on rawhide. I will feel better when the wind and rain stop though.
The Nor'wester, First Night
Wow. It's been scary here. Tonight the wind started blowing and I was so scared I hid behind my mom on the couch. I sure was glad it didn't start still after midnight when she was home from work. Then the lights went out.
It was cold so my mom and I slept on the couch with a big quilt over us. That part was fun because I usually sleep in my little bed in my crate. My mom said she hoped the lights would come on by morning. It was raining so hard my mom kept getting up to see if it was hail but it was just rain. She said she had never seen it rain and blow so hard since she went through a hurricane when she was a kid. I don't think they had electricity back then though.
It was cold so my mom and I slept on the couch with a big quilt over us. That part was fun because I usually sleep in my little bed in my crate. My mom said she hoped the lights would come on by morning. It was raining so hard my mom kept getting up to see if it was hail but it was just rain. She said she had never seen it rain and blow so hard since she went through a hurricane when she was a kid. I don't think they had electricity back then though.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
My First Snow
When I went outside this morning there was snow! (I didn't know that was what it was called because I have never seen it before). It was so pretty but it made my feet tickle. I stayed outside as long as I could, and since I was wearing my coat, I didn't even get cold. It was really fun.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
We celebrated Thanksgiving a day early because my mom had to work on Thanksgiving Day. But it was okay, we spent the day in our big black leather recliner watching TV and eating and drinking hot chocolate (well, I didn't because chocolate is poison for dogs, but I did get some whipped cream!). It was a nice day.
We celebrated Thanksgiving a day early because my mom had to work on Thanksgiving Day. But it was okay, we spent the day in our big black leather recliner watching TV and eating and drinking hot chocolate (well, I didn't because chocolate is poison for dogs, but I did get some whipped cream!). It was a nice day.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
We sold another PuppyPurse. Yay! I am glad because Hedy at PuppyPurse is so nice. I know this dog will love the PuppyPurse, just like I do. To celebrate, my mom got me a pink sweater to wear around the house (since my hair is so short, I get chilly sometimes).
Monday, October 29, 2007
Black and Slinky
My mom took me back to the groomer this morning and I am so sleek and slinky! It was my total model makeover. I look fabulous! Now we are going to go to Olympia and buy some clothes as soon as the weather is nice! My face is all trimmed so I can see, my ears are trimmed, my topknot is still long and silky, but my neck and body are just so smooth and shiny, I look like I am made of black satin.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Teeth Like Tombstones!
My mom checked my teeth again today. She said they look like tombstones in an abandoned cemetery. On the bottom in front, they are all crooked and one of my canines sticks out. She said I might have to have that one pulled. I sure hope not! And I am very undershot. That means my bottom jaw is much further out than my top jaw. This is normal since I am a Shih Tzu, but I guess mine is very bad. I do know I have to be careful not to get food stuck between to top front and bottom front teeth but I am careful to mostly eat with my big back teeth. She is going to take me to the vet one of these days so he can check them. I hope I don't have to have any teeth pulled! Ouch!
Teeth like tombstones?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Oh no, I'm naked
My mom took me to the groomer again this morning. I sure like going there . But this time she left me. First they put me on the table and they cut all my hair off! I was pretty freaked out but they kept saying that's what my mom wanted. They said it was a shame because my hair is so long and shiny. But they said my mom wanted what was best for me. They left my topknot so I can still look like Pebbles Flintstone, and they left my tail long. After that was done, they gave me a bath and then they put a flower in my hair and a bandanna around my neck. When my mom came to get me she didn't even recognized me! "Mom, mom, here I am". But I was not in any hurry to go home because the groomer ladies are so nice to me. They talked to my mom for a while about a new show puppy the momma groomer is getting, a Doberman. Since my mom used to show Afghan hounds on the East Coast and in Denver, she was very excited for momma groomer.
So then we went home. It felt strange to not be able to flip my hair around when I tear around the house but I think it will be nice. What will be even better is that I won't have to get on the grooming table every day. All my mom will have to do is brush me really quick and put my topknot up. And now when I come in from the rain she can rub me with the towel. Before she couldn't because I would mat. But Carlos didn't recognize me. He got all big and swollen and hissed and growled at he. But then he saw it was me. He had me scared for a minute!
So then we went home. It felt strange to not be able to flip my hair around when I tear around the house but I think it will be nice. What will be even better is that I won't have to get on the grooming table every day. All my mom will have to do is brush me really quick and put my topknot up. And now when I come in from the rain she can rub me with the towel. Before she couldn't because I would mat. But Carlos didn't recognize me. He got all big and swollen and hissed and growled at he. But then he saw it was me. He had me scared for a minute!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
My mom's birthday is today
Today is my mom's birthday. She went to Olympia but I couldn't go because she went somewhere called "Red Robin" where she said they were giving her a free dinner and sundae (isn't today Tuesday?). But she brought me a present. It's a "Dog Trick Kit" and there is a book with 15 tricks to learn, and a frisbee, and a bell, and a clicker. I can't wait to see what she is going to teach me! And she said that she is going to let me pick out an outfit as a combination celebration of our first sale and a present for me for her birthday. So now i have to go through and see what I want. Should I get something from canine couture or from everyday chic? or maybe some pink camo? I do need a new bed too. Boy, this is going to be hard.
Speaking of coats, this morning I went to the groomer for the first time. She lives close by; in fact, we walked there. She is really nice. Actually there are two groomers and they are both nice. There were two other Shih Tzus there. And now I see the world in a whole new light because first they trimmed all the hair away from my eyes. Wow. It is awesome. My eyes feel way better without that hair in them. Then they did my nails. They were totally impressed by me because my tail wagged the whole time. My mom asked about having me clipped down because once the rains start they last all fall and winter and when I get wet, it takes me hours to dry. I know she doesn't like me jumping on her when I am so wet, but I don't feel wet on the inside. But they said my coat was the shiniest coat they had ever seen and it would be a shame to clip it. (It must be that cold-pressed Norwegian cod liver oil I eat every day.) So I am going next week and they are going to trim my feet and shave all the inside of my legs and my tummy and see if that helps. My mom said she may have me clipped later on. So I will probably need a raincoat for sure!
Speaking of coats, this morning I went to the groomer for the first time. She lives close by; in fact, we walked there. She is really nice. Actually there are two groomers and they are both nice. There were two other Shih Tzus there. And now I see the world in a whole new light because first they trimmed all the hair away from my eyes. Wow. It is awesome. My eyes feel way better without that hair in them. Then they did my nails. They were totally impressed by me because my tail wagged the whole time. My mom asked about having me clipped down because once the rains start they last all fall and winter and when I get wet, it takes me hours to dry. I know she doesn't like me jumping on her when I am so wet, but I don't feel wet on the inside. But they said my coat was the shiniest coat they had ever seen and it would be a shame to clip it. (It must be that cold-pressed Norwegian cod liver oil I eat every day.) So I am going next week and they are going to trim my feet and shave all the inside of my legs and my tummy and see if that helps. My mom said she may have me clipped later on. So I will probably need a raincoat for sure!
Today is my mom's birthday
Saturday, September 1, 2007
The seal in Westport
Today we went to Home Depot again, then we went to Westport. That’s on the south side of Grays Harbor, whereas Ocean Shores is on the north side. When we got there, we walked up and down and looked at fishing boats, which was cool. And my mom suddenly picked me and held me up at the railing at the marina. I swear I thought she was going to throw me in! But no, she wanted me to see the sea monster. At least I thought it was a sea monster (I have seen them on TV). It turns out it was a seal! Apparently some of the fishermen were throwing fish to it and it would dive down and come back up and splash the water with the fish in its mouth. It was pretty cool actually. Then we went to a place called Twin Harbors beach and I chased sea foam. I also chased some guy’s kite but I didn’t catch it because it took off into the sky like big red bird! The sand was really soft and deep and it was so hard to walk it wore me out, not like at Ocean Shores, where the sand is a little firmer. My mom found a sand dollar and some pretty white quartz. I was so tired from walking in the sand that I fell asleep as soon as I got in the crate, before the car even started. You know, I should have gotten myself a bikini from my site, . I already have one outfit. tching sun visor
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
My mom was acting weird tonight. Usually she puts me to be around 1 in the morning (she gets home from work around 11:15 at night). But tonight she said she had to stay up late so I could too. Then at a little before 2 am, we were upstairs while she worked on the computer. Then she picked me up and held me at the window and told me to look at the moon. “someone took a bite out of it, was it you?” she asked. As if….
But I have to admit, it does look a little odd, it does look like someone took a bite out of it. It was probably Kato. She said it was called an eclipse and that in about an hour the whole moon would be dark but there would be a glowing ring around it. That sounds really cool. She said the last time she saw one was the night the Red Sox won the World Series (I have no idea what that means). She told me I could stay up a while later but I’m so tired she is going to put me to bed now. She said she was going to watch it until around 3:15 when it is in totality and then she will probably go to bed. But she also told me she had 2 cups of coffee at work so I bet she doesn’t go to bed at all. That means she will be really cranky tomorrow. Guess I had better be on my good behavior. Yawn.
But I have to admit, it does look a little odd, it does look like someone took a bite out of it. It was probably Kato. She said it was called an eclipse and that in about an hour the whole moon would be dark but there would be a glowing ring around it. That sounds really cool. She said the last time she saw one was the night the Red Sox won the World Series (I have no idea what that means). She told me I could stay up a while later but I’m so tired she is going to put me to bed now. She said she was going to watch it until around 3:15 when it is in totality and then she will probably go to bed. But she also told me she had 2 cups of coffee at work so I bet she doesn’t go to bed at all. That means she will be really cranky tomorrow. Guess I had better be on my good behavior. Yawn.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Even busier day
I thought yesterday was busy! Boy, today was even more so. I got up late but it's a good thing.
First we went back to home depot, then we went to Hometown Feed, where we got a bunch of stuff. we got cat food for Carlos and Kato, we got a free bag of dog food (buy 10 get 1 free) and dog treats for me. We got a finger toothbrush for my mom. I didn't find out till we got home that it's not for her, it's for me! She is going to put it on her finger and then rub it on my teeth – she thinks! But we also got my present from our sale. I got a really cool fuzzy bright green Frisbee that squeaks. It is very cool and I played with it when I got home.
Then we went to the vet so I could get my manipedicure. I sure like going there. They pass me around to everyone. Someone went out front and told my mom that she might as well leave because I was staying there. It would have been fun. They looked at my funky teeth and told my mom that was par for my breed, and they said my spaycial surgery incision looked great.
Then we went to Papa Murphy's to get pizza then to Jay's Farm Stand to get stuff my mom eats (yuk).
Then we sat outside in the sun. It's been really nice out and hot too. Carlos never came out today. I guess I wore him out yesterday chasing him all over the yard.
I am exhausted!
First we went back to home depot, then we went to Hometown Feed, where we got a bunch of stuff. we got cat food for Carlos and Kato, we got a free bag of dog food (buy 10 get 1 free) and dog treats for me. We got a finger toothbrush for my mom. I didn't find out till we got home that it's not for her, it's for me! She is going to put it on her finger and then rub it on my teeth – she thinks! But we also got my present from our sale. I got a really cool fuzzy bright green Frisbee that squeaks. It is very cool and I played with it when I got home.
Then we went to the vet so I could get my manipedicure. I sure like going there. They pass me around to everyone. Someone went out front and told my mom that she might as well leave because I was staying there. It would have been fun. They looked at my funky teeth and told my mom that was par for my breed, and they said my spaycial surgery incision looked great.
Then we went to Papa Murphy's to get pizza then to Jay's Farm Stand to get stuff my mom eats (yuk).
Then we sat outside in the sun. It's been really nice out and hot too. Carlos never came out today. I guess I wore him out yesterday chasing him all over the yard.
I am exhausted!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
We had a busy day
August 22, 2007
Man, we had a busy day today. First my mom picked blackberries on the other side of the fence and I had to sit there and watch the whole time in case she fell off the ladder. Then she gave me a bath and we sat outside in the sun. Then we went to her work at the hospital so I could show them my tricks (I can roll over and I can dance - I really like to dance!), then we went to Home Depot and bought some stuff for the house. I guess my mom wants to plant some bushes and trees. That sounds like fun, that will give me something more to chew on and dig up. I was so tired when we got home I wanted to go to bed and curl up in my big pink towel. I got to wear my cool collar today, it's the first time I have been big enough . It's black with little embroidered pink roses on it. My mom got it for me before I even came home!
Man, we had a busy day today. First my mom picked blackberries on the other side of the fence and I had to sit there and watch the whole time in case she fell off the ladder. Then she gave me a bath and we sat outside in the sun. Then we went to her work at the hospital so I could show them my tricks (I can roll over and I can dance - I really like to dance!), then we went to Home Depot and bought some stuff for the house. I guess my mom wants to plant some bushes and trees. That sounds like fun, that will give me something more to chew on and dig up. I was so tired when we got home I wanted to go to bed and curl up in my big pink towel. I got to wear my cool collar today, it's the first time I have been big enough . It's black with little embroidered pink roses on it. My mom got it for me before I even came home!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Our first sale!!
August 19, 2007
I am SO EXCITED! We made our first sale on our website today. That is awesome. My mom said she was going to buy me a present when that happened. I wonder what it will be.
I am SO EXCITED! We made our first sale on our website today. That is awesome. My mom said she was going to buy me a present when that happened. I wonder what it will be.
Lily Rose makes first sale
Thursday, August 16, 2007
A spanking!
August 16, 2007
I got my first spanking this afternoon (at least I don't remember any others). I didn't think I was doing anything bad; I was just chewing on a plant outside. My mom told me "No!" but I thought she was kidding because why would she tell me not to eat a plant? But I guess she was serious because next thing I knew, I felt a really sharp pain on my backside and she yelled "No" at me really loud. It kind of freaked me out because I have not seen her mad at me before. Actually, I don't think she was that mad really. She said I was not supposed to eat plants because they can make me sick. I don't know, it tasted pretty good to me. But I guess for now I will pay attention because that did sort of hurt. She never seems to get mad at Carlos although she does fight with him sometimes.
I got my first spanking this afternoon (at least I don't remember any others). I didn't think I was doing anything bad; I was just chewing on a plant outside. My mom told me "No!" but I thought she was kidding because why would she tell me not to eat a plant? But I guess she was serious because next thing I knew, I felt a really sharp pain on my backside and she yelled "No" at me really loud. It kind of freaked me out because I have not seen her mad at me before. Actually, I don't think she was that mad really. She said I was not supposed to eat plants because they can make me sick. I don't know, it tasted pretty good to me. But I guess for now I will pay attention because that did sort of hurt. She never seems to get mad at Carlos although she does fight with him sometimes.
Lily Rose gets a spanking
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
My Loofah
August 15, 2007
My mom bought me a new toy – it's a Loofah. I already have one, a little pink one holding an Easter egg. This one is big and lime green. He is as long as I am. He is very cool. He is so cool in fact that I took a lot of my toys outside and put them on my bed in the yard and my mom took some pictures. She took some pictures of Carlos and me too. She put them on my Myspace page and she put them on too! I am on my way to being famous, I just know it! I have to practice signing my name. I am not sure if I should sign "Lily Rose" or "Lily Rose, President, DoggyPanache". I guess I can practice both ways. I wonder if they make pink pens.
My mom bought me a new toy – it's a Loofah. I already have one, a little pink one holding an Easter egg. This one is big and lime green. He is as long as I am. He is very cool. He is so cool in fact that I took a lot of my toys outside and put them on my bed in the yard and my mom took some pictures. She took some pictures of Carlos and me too. She put them on my Myspace page and she put them on too! I am on my way to being famous, I just know it! I have to practice signing my name. I am not sure if I should sign "Lily Rose" or "Lily Rose, President, DoggyPanache". I guess I can practice both ways. I wonder if they make pink pens.
Lily Rose get another Loofah
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Some present
August 11, 2007
A present came for me yesterday in a big box in a brown truck. I couldn't imagine what it could be but I had a feeling it might be a box full of clothes!
But then my mom showed me my present. She called it a "grooming table". I have to stand on it and then she puts a noose around my neck to hold me still and then she brushes me. Personally, I am not very impressed, I think it is more of a torture device than anything else. But I still get cheese when I am done so I guess it's worth it.
A present came for me yesterday in a big box in a brown truck. I couldn't imagine what it could be but I had a feeling it might be a box full of clothes!
But then my mom showed me my present. She called it a "grooming table". I have to stand on it and then she puts a noose around my neck to hold me still and then she brushes me. Personally, I am not very impressed, I think it is more of a torture device than anything else. But I still get cheese when I am done so I guess it's worth it.
Lily Rose get a present
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Carlos is 8 years old.
August 9, 2007
Today is Carlos' birthday. He is 8 years old. No wonder he is the boss of the house. My mom was extra nice to him (I know he is her favorite though). But then she gave him a bath. He sure made a lot of noise in the sick, I had to go outside because it upset me to hear him howl. But afterwards he came and sat in the sun and cuddled a lot with my mom. She said he is really soft now. My mom gave Carlos, Kato, and me some special treats to celebrate his birthday too.
Today is Carlos' birthday. He is 8 years old. No wonder he is the boss of the house. My mom was extra nice to him (I know he is her favorite though). But then she gave him a bath. He sure made a lot of noise in the sick, I had to go outside because it upset me to hear him howl. But afterwards he came and sat in the sun and cuddled a lot with my mom. She said he is really soft now. My mom gave Carlos, Kato, and me some special treats to celebrate his birthday too.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Sitting outside
August 8, 2007
Now that the weather is nice, I have been spending a lot of time outside. My mom bought me a cool thing to sit on outside. That way I don't have to sit in the grass. She comes outside and puts all my toys up there for me and of course I take them all off right away. When the weather is sunny, on my mom's day off she sits outside a lot and reads in the sun. Carlos comes out too and he has his special chair to sit in. I have a feeling that is so he can get away from what my mom called my "piranha teeth". What is a piranha? It's nice though. Of course Kato the psychotic does not come out with us, sometimes he just wanders around the neighborhood.
The next-door neighbor has a couple of visitors who come at noon every day and they always lean over the fence and play with me. So now if I am inside I listen for their car so I can run outside. My mom thinks that is really funny.
Now that the weather is nice, I have been spending a lot of time outside. My mom bought me a cool thing to sit on outside. That way I don't have to sit in the grass. She comes outside and puts all my toys up there for me and of course I take them all off right away. When the weather is sunny, on my mom's day off she sits outside a lot and reads in the sun. Carlos comes out too and he has his special chair to sit in. I have a feeling that is so he can get away from what my mom called my "piranha teeth". What is a piranha? It's nice though. Of course Kato the psychotic does not come out with us, sometimes he just wanders around the neighborhood.
The next-door neighbor has a couple of visitors who come at noon every day and they always lean over the fence and play with me. So now if I am inside I listen for their car so I can run outside. My mom thinks that is really funny.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Modeling job
August 2, 2007
Wow! I am EXCITED! Today I got to do my first real modeling. My mom was not very happy cause I need a bath really bad and my hair is all over the place so it was mostly a practice session. But I think I did really well. In fact, the one I call my "Jon-Benet" pose is my default picture it came out so good! I did scare my mom because I jumped off the table when the phone rang and landed kind of hard, but I am okay. It was really fun to model but it's is so hard to stay still!!!
Wow! I am EXCITED! Today I got to do my first real modeling. My mom was not very happy cause I need a bath really bad and my hair is all over the place so it was mostly a practice session. But I think I did really well. In fact, the one I call my "Jon-Benet" pose is my default picture it came out so good! I did scare my mom because I jumped off the table when the phone rang and landed kind of hard, but I am okay. It was really fun to model but it's is so hard to stay still!!!
Lily Rose models an outfit
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Back to myself again
August 1, 2007
I think I am back to myself again. My mom let me play with Carlos today a little. My sore spot on my stomach doesn't really hurt anymore but it sure itches.
My mom said tomorrow she is going to take me to Home Depot. I don't know what it is but she said I will like it. I haven't been to Walmart lately. My mom says she is staying away from it because they take her money. I miss going though. When I have my modeling career I will be able to go and buy stuff for myself or buy stuff off my website (remember, I am the President and Chief Executive Officer of so I bet I could give myself a discount).
I think I am back to myself again. My mom let me play with Carlos today a little. My sore spot on my stomach doesn't really hurt anymore but it sure itches.
My mom said tomorrow she is going to take me to Home Depot. I don't know what it is but she said I will like it. I haven't been to Walmart lately. My mom says she is staying away from it because they take her money. I miss going though. When I have my modeling career I will be able to go and buy stuff for myself or buy stuff off my website (remember, I am the President and Chief Executive Officer of so I bet I could give myself a discount).
Lily Rose goes to Home Depot
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Spaycial surgery
July 24, 2007
This morning we got up early and went to the vet and they cuddled me a lot and all of a sudden I fell asleep, just like that! And when I woke up I really hurt. I don't know what they did but I guess it was the spaycial surgery. Anyway, I slept almost all day there. Then when I got home I just slept on the couch and my mom said I could not play with Carlos for at least a week. But I am so tired. I don't care. I do remember they said I weighed 8-1/2 pounds. Wow.
This morning we got up early and went to the vet and they cuddled me a lot and all of a sudden I fell asleep, just like that! And when I woke up I really hurt. I don't know what they did but I guess it was the spaycial surgery. Anyway, I slept almost all day there. Then when I got home I just slept on the couch and my mom said I could not play with Carlos for at least a week. But I am so tired. I don't care. I do remember they said I weighed 8-1/2 pounds. Wow.
Lily Rose has spaycial surgery
Monday, July 23, 2007
A bath and no dinner?
July 23, 2007
My mom gave me another bath today. She said I behaved better than last time! It wasn't too bad. I sure do feel wild when I am done though. She said I looked like a Tasmanian devil.
When she got home from work last night she said I couldn't eat anything because I was having my "spaycial surgery" today. I wonder if that is another present. Maybe it's something really good to eat and that's why I can't have dinner.
My mom gave me another bath today. She said I behaved better than last time! It wasn't too bad. I sure do feel wild when I am done though. She said I looked like a Tasmanian devil.
When she got home from work last night she said I couldn't eat anything because I was having my "spaycial surgery" today. I wonder if that is another present. Maybe it's something really good to eat and that's why I can't have dinner.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
My frog
July 21, 2007
My mom brought me an awesome new toy today. She said it was from Lhatie's mom. It's a frog and there is so much to grab onto, legs and eyeballs, and I'm bigger than him. In fact, I am almost bigger than my very favorite toy, my otter. I don't understand what happened to him. He was so huge when I got here but he is getting smaller all the time. Weird.
My mom brought me an awesome new toy today. She said it was from Lhatie's mom. It's a frog and there is so much to grab onto, legs and eyeballs, and I'm bigger than him. In fact, I am almost bigger than my very favorite toy, my otter. I don't understand what happened to him. He was so huge when I got here but he is getting smaller all the time. Weird.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Seafoam and MySpace
July 6, 2007
We went to the beach again today but when we got there is was so windy we didn't stay very long. My mom was worried that the sand would hurt my eyes. I got to play in the waves again and chased some weird stuff called sea foam. I can't figure that out. It was there and when I caught it was gone. I am going to have to look it up on the computer.
Yup, I am very computer oriented. My mom made me a myspace page ( and I am so excited! I hope I make some friends. Maybe I can even work on my modeling career online. I am a very modern dog.
We went to the beach again today but when we got there is was so windy we didn't stay very long. My mom was worried that the sand would hurt my eyes. I got to play in the waves again and chased some weird stuff called sea foam. I can't figure that out. It was there and when I caught it was gone. I am going to have to look it up on the computer.
Yup, I am very computer oriented. My mom made me a myspace page ( and I am so excited! I hope I make some friends. Maybe I can even work on my modeling career online. I am a very modern dog.
Lily Rose gets a myspace page
Thursday, June 28, 2007
My second bath
June 28, 2007
I got my second bath today. My mom laughed a lot and said she was wetter than I was. It was not that much fun and I wanted to get out so I stood up in the sink and put my paws up on her. I guess she got really wet when she was spraying me because after I was done she had towels all over the floor. It was pretty cool because every time I grabbed one of the towels she chased me around the house. It was way more fun than the bath.
I got my second bath today. My mom laughed a lot and said she was wetter than I was. It was not that much fun and I wanted to get out so I stood up in the sink and put my paws up on her. I guess she got really wet when she was spraying me because after I was done she had towels all over the floor. It was pretty cool because every time I grabbed one of the towels she chased me around the house. It was way more fun than the bath.
Lily Rose has her second bath
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
I'm not a turtle
June 20, 2007
My mom brought some doggy clothes for me to try on. She laughed a lot so I guess they didn't look that good. I just don't think I am built right for shorts. But it was fun. I still want to be a model. She took pictures though and said I need to learn to pose better. And she brought me a present from work. It's bright orange and I have to wear it. She said it is a life jacket so when I go to Seattle if I fall into the locks I will float. That sounds like fun, except when I had it on I rolled over and got stuck on my back like a turtle. My mom thought it was really funny and even took a picture of me. I was really embarrassed.
My mom brought some doggy clothes for me to try on. She laughed a lot so I guess they didn't look that good. I just don't think I am built right for shorts. But it was fun. I still want to be a model. She took pictures though and said I need to learn to pose better. And she brought me a present from work. It's bright orange and I have to wear it. She said it is a life jacket so when I go to Seattle if I fall into the locks I will float. That sounds like fun, except when I had it on I rolled over and got stuck on my back like a turtle. My mom thought it was really funny and even took a picture of me. I was really embarrassed.
Lily Rose imitates a turtle
Sunday, June 17, 2007
My first modeling job

June 17, 2007
Today my mom put a really cute outfit on me. It's a bright pink vest and a little hat to match with a matching leash. It is awesome and I look fabulous in it. She has a matching tote bag too. It's something we sell on our site and it comes in tons of colors and patterns. I look so amazing; I know my days as a model are just about to begin. This is the first outfit she has gotten for me from our website.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Pink suede coat
June 7, 2007
I am so excited! My mom brought me a gorgeous coat today, it's pink suede and I could not stop looking at myself in the mirror. Wow. I am amazing. I know I am going to be famous any day. She took a lot of pictures of me too. But then the coat got really itchy so she took it off. I guess I don't really want to wear it. But I am so beautiful! I have to rethink this model stuff. It sounds like you have to do stuff that might not be so much fun.
I am so excited! My mom brought me a gorgeous coat today, it's pink suede and I could not stop looking at myself in the mirror. Wow. I am amazing. I know I am going to be famous any day. She took a lot of pictures of me too. But then the coat got really itchy so she took it off. I guess I don't really want to wear it. But I am so beautiful! I have to rethink this model stuff. It sounds like you have to do stuff that might not be so much fun.
Lily Rose models a pink coat
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
My PuppyPurse
June 6, 2007
My mom took me to work again tonight. She carried me in my funny PuppyPurse that just arrived. It is the most awesome thing. It's white with pink beads and I love it. As soon as I get in it and she picks me up, I feel like I am flying. I love it!! She said when I have stopped growing she will get me some more, one for summer, and one for winter. I want the black leather one with the fringe.
My mom took me to work again tonight. She carried me in my funny PuppyPurse that just arrived. It is the most awesome thing. It's white with pink beads and I love it. As soon as I get in it and she picks me up, I feel like I am flying. I love it!! She said when I have stopped growing she will get me some more, one for summer, and one for winter. I want the black leather one with the fringe.
Lily Rose wears her PuppyPurse
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Seattle and Adventures in Doggy Daycare
May 30, 2007
Today I made my first trip to Seattle. It's a really big place. I saw it when my mom brought me home that first day but I had never been there. We spent a lot of time down at the piers and there were lots of people who thought I was so cute.
Then we went to the Downtown Dog Lounge. One of my favorite shows on TV is "Adventures in Doggy Daycare" and that is filmed at the Downtown Dog Lounge in Seattle. It's a cool show and I watched it a lot. My mom promised me she would take her there on my first trip to Seattle. So we went yesterday. It is the coolest place ever. There is dog stuff everywhere, and dogs everywhere, and the walls have big black and white spots all over them. It looks just like on the TV show! As soon as we walked in the door, this really nice girl named Morgan grabbed me and started carrying me around. She took me in the back to show me to everyone back there and I got passed around so everyone could hold me. I had a blast.
My mom said next time we go to Seattle, she may leave me there while she goes looking for crab boats (she really is into that, I don't get it at all) and goes to the Ballard Locks. It would be fun to get a manipedicure and a beauty treatment at the Dog Lounge, but I do enjoy going to the locks too.
Today I made my first trip to Seattle. It's a really big place. I saw it when my mom brought me home that first day but I had never been there. We spent a lot of time down at the piers and there were lots of people who thought I was so cute.
Then we went to the Downtown Dog Lounge. One of my favorite shows on TV is "Adventures in Doggy Daycare" and that is filmed at the Downtown Dog Lounge in Seattle. It's a cool show and I watched it a lot. My mom promised me she would take her there on my first trip to Seattle. So we went yesterday. It is the coolest place ever. There is dog stuff everywhere, and dogs everywhere, and the walls have big black and white spots all over them. It looks just like on the TV show! As soon as we walked in the door, this really nice girl named Morgan grabbed me and started carrying me around. She took me in the back to show me to everyone back there and I got passed around so everyone could hold me. I had a blast.
My mom said next time we go to Seattle, she may leave me there while she goes looking for crab boats (she really is into that, I don't get it at all) and goes to the Ballard Locks. It would be fun to get a manipedicure and a beauty treatment at the Dog Lounge, but I do enjoy going to the locks too.
Lily Rose goes to Seattle
Friday, May 25, 2007
My new friend Lhatie
May 25, 2007
I met a new friend today. Her name is Lhatie and she belongs to my mom's friend Sheri. She is really really little. I tried to make friends with her and she was scared of me. I guess I look big to her because she is about as big as a mouse (not that I have ever seen a mouse but I hear they are small). But then everybody in the park kept telling her how cute she was and I guess she felt better because then she wanted to play with me and she scared me! Boy, she is pushy. My mom says that is because she is a terrier. I thought she was a puppy like me. She is crazy!
I met a new friend today. Her name is Lhatie and she belongs to my mom's friend Sheri. She is really really little. I tried to make friends with her and she was scared of me. I guess I look big to her because she is about as big as a mouse (not that I have ever seen a mouse but I hear they are small). But then everybody in the park kept telling her how cute she was and I guess she felt better because then she wanted to play with me and she scared me! Boy, she is pushy. My mom says that is because she is a terrier. I thought she was a puppy like me. She is crazy!
Lily Rose meets a new friend
Thursday, May 17, 2007
The ray
May 17, 2007
We went to the beach again today. It was really great except that it was so windy and cold. I ran through the waves (my mom said they weren't waves, but I thought they were – they were at least an inch high and got my feet wet!). It was so much fun. I tried to eat some dead crabs but my mom would not let me. And we saw a strange thing that my mom called a ray but she said its tail was gone. It looked good enough to eat but of course my mom would not let me. She is no fun at all. I would have tried a bite even if I had to throw up afterward.
We went to the beach again today. It was really great except that it was so windy and cold. I ran through the waves (my mom said they weren't waves, but I thought they were – they were at least an inch high and got my feet wet!). It was so much fun. I tried to eat some dead crabs but my mom would not let me. And we saw a strange thing that my mom called a ray but she said its tail was gone. It looked good enough to eat but of course my mom would not let me. She is no fun at all. I would have tried a bite even if I had to throw up afterward.
Monday, April 30, 2007
My mom's work
April 30, 2007
Tonight my mom took me to where she works. It's a hospital and we went in the back door to get to her office. I had a lot of fun. I played with her friends Sheri, Peggy, and Janiel. They said they wished I could come to work every day and I wish i could too! They cuddled me a lot and gave me treats. I wore my new pink collar that we sell on our website ( Someday I will be great model, I know it.
Tonight my mom took me to where she works. It's a hospital and we went in the back door to get to her office. I had a lot of fun. I played with her friends Sheri, Peggy, and Janiel. They said they wished I could come to work every day and I wish i could too! They cuddled me a lot and gave me treats. I wore my new pink collar that we sell on our website ( Someday I will be great model, I know it.
Lily Rose goes to mom's work
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The vet again
April 19, 2007
I went to the vet and got another shot today. My mom gave me some of that stuff before I went and it didn't hurt this time and I didn't have any trouble breathing. I think she is proud of me.
I went to the vet and got another shot today. My mom gave me some of that stuff before I went and it didn't hurt this time and I didn't have any trouble breathing. I think she is proud of me.
Lily Rose goes to the vet again
Monday, April 16, 2007
The beach
April 16, 2007
My mom took me somewhere called "the beach" today. I was kind of freaked out because it is so big but at the same time there isn't really anything there. There is a bunch of water she called the Pacific Ocean. It kept moving; I chased it and it ran away but then it kept turning around and trying to get me. I haven't figured it out yet at all.
There were a lot of people there though, and some really loud birds my mom called seagulls. There were other things that I thought were birds too but she said they were kites. These kites had people attached to them by strings and the kites kept dragging the people around. I think it would be fun to be dragged by a kite. I chewed on some tasty wood that my mom called driftwood, delicious, nice and salty.
We saw a big scary-looking thing that my mom said was a dead seal. She seemed sad. It was all covered up in eels. My mom said those were not eels, they were seaweed, but they sure looked like eels to me. I watch the Discovery Channel and I know about these things.
By the time we left I smelled kind of fishy and had all this stuff on me that I thought was cat litter but my mom said it was sand. I guess that's little parts of the beach. By the time we got home (I slept all the way), all the beach had fallen off into my carrier. My mom seemed happy about that.
My mom took me somewhere called "the beach" today. I was kind of freaked out because it is so big but at the same time there isn't really anything there. There is a bunch of water she called the Pacific Ocean. It kept moving; I chased it and it ran away but then it kept turning around and trying to get me. I haven't figured it out yet at all.
There were a lot of people there though, and some really loud birds my mom called seagulls. There were other things that I thought were birds too but she said they were kites. These kites had people attached to them by strings and the kites kept dragging the people around. I think it would be fun to be dragged by a kite. I chewed on some tasty wood that my mom called driftwood, delicious, nice and salty.
We saw a big scary-looking thing that my mom said was a dead seal. She seemed sad. It was all covered up in eels. My mom said those were not eels, they were seaweed, but they sure looked like eels to me. I watch the Discovery Channel and I know about these things.
By the time we left I smelled kind of fishy and had all this stuff on me that I thought was cat litter but my mom said it was sand. I guess that's little parts of the beach. By the time we got home (I slept all the way), all the beach had fallen off into my carrier. My mom seemed happy about that.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
President and CEO is - ME
April 4, 2007
We went back to that place call PetSmart but my mom said we can't come anymore after today. I guess she is too busy with this thing on the computer called "the website". She said it is for me though and that I am the president of the company (me the president!). It's called and we are going to be selling really fancy dog dresses and stuff. It makes me think that I could be a model. I think I was born to be a model. My mom said I will have to wait till I am big to get a lot of clothes because I keep growing. Darn.
We went back to that place call PetSmart but my mom said we can't come anymore after today. I guess she is too busy with this thing on the computer called "the website". She said it is for me though and that I am the president of the company (me the president!). It's called and we are going to be selling really fancy dog dresses and stuff. It makes me think that I could be a model. I think I was born to be a model. My mom said I will have to wait till I am big to get a lot of clothes because I keep growing. Darn.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I liked today a lot
March 28, 2007
We went somewhere called Olympia to an awesome place called PetSmart. It was really fun. Then I was in a big circle with 2 other puppies, a big one and a medium one. And we did some fun stuff and my mom got me some good dog treats. I liked today a lot.
We went somewhere called Olympia to an awesome place called PetSmart. It was really fun. Then I was in a big circle with 2 other puppies, a big one and a medium one. And we did some fun stuff and my mom got me some good dog treats. I liked today a lot.
Lily Rose has a good day
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I did not like today at all!
March 27, 2007
I had to go back to that vet guy and this time he stuck something in me that really hurt! That was not nice. Then when I got home I had a really hard time breathing. My mom gave me some nasty stuff and that helped a lot. I did not like today at all.
I had to go back to that vet guy and this time he stuck something in me that really hurt! That was not nice. Then when I got home I had a really hard time breathing. My mom gave me some nasty stuff and that helped a lot. I did not like today at all.
Lily Rose has a bad day
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
My friend Rose Lee
March 21, 2007
My mom got me a present today, a little mirror to hang on the wall by my food bowl so I can play with that other Shih Tzu (Rosa Lee) I see upstairs. I just can't figure out why she acts so playful but never will play. And she always does exactly what I do. She's kind of strange… My mom has been trying to find me a good bowl too cause I can't eat out of a real dog bowl cause my nose is so tiny. I feel like I will suffocate. So she got me a cute little lavender plate (she said it was a flowerpot saucer, whatever that it). I hate to tell her that it's not any better than a bowl because it's a pretty color and she is trying so hard. I guess she will figure it out when I don't eat out of it. She needs to just put my food on my placemat (and mom, how about getting me a cool placement instead of this ugly blue thing!).
My mom got me a present today, a little mirror to hang on the wall by my food bowl so I can play with that other Shih Tzu (Rosa Lee) I see upstairs. I just can't figure out why she acts so playful but never will play. And she always does exactly what I do. She's kind of strange… My mom has been trying to find me a good bowl too cause I can't eat out of a real dog bowl cause my nose is so tiny. I feel like I will suffocate. So she got me a cute little lavender plate (she said it was a flowerpot saucer, whatever that it). I hate to tell her that it's not any better than a bowl because it's a pretty color and she is trying so hard. I guess she will figure it out when I don't eat out of it. She needs to just put my food on my placemat (and mom, how about getting me a cool placement instead of this ugly blue thing!).
Lily Rose's friend Rosa Lee
Monday, March 19, 2007
My mom went back to work today
March 19, 2007
My mom went to work today (wherever that is) and left me in my cage with my toys. She said her pupternity leave was over. It wasn't that bad, although I chewed one ear off my loofa. My mom says she will sew it back on. I sleep in my cage and my mom comes home and lets me out and plays with me and then goes back to work until late. Then she plays with me some more till bedtime. And when my mom works on the computer, she takes me up upstairs and I have to wear the collar and the leash so she can keep me from getting in trouble. My mom has my leash around her wrist and whenever I get too far away, she pulls me back. She thinks it's a good way to "leash train" me but I hate it. That Kato psychotic sits up in this tall thing and stares at me. Carlos follows me around but when I try to play he makes his snake noises. It's no wonder I sleep so well at night, I'm so busy all day. I found out that big brown thing I play with is called an "otter". I really love him.
My mom went to work today (wherever that is) and left me in my cage with my toys. She said her pupternity leave was over. It wasn't that bad, although I chewed one ear off my loofa. My mom says she will sew it back on. I sleep in my cage and my mom comes home and lets me out and plays with me and then goes back to work until late. Then she plays with me some more till bedtime. And when my mom works on the computer, she takes me up upstairs and I have to wear the collar and the leash so she can keep me from getting in trouble. My mom has my leash around her wrist and whenever I get too far away, she pulls me back. She thinks it's a good way to "leash train" me but I hate it. That Kato psychotic sits up in this tall thing and stares at me. Carlos follows me around but when I try to play he makes his snake noises. It's no wonder I sleep so well at night, I'm so busy all day. I found out that big brown thing I play with is called an "otter". I really love him.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
My first three days
March 18, 2007
I have learned a lot in the 3 days I have been here.
That thing called Carlos is a cat. I'm not sure what to make of him. He seems friendly but he is really big and he makes funny noises like the snakes I have seen on TV when I get too close. The other thing that moved so fast is a cat too and his name is Kato. My mom says he is psychotic. I don't understand because she said he was a cat. He isn't around much and when he is he seems to be in the air a lot.
There is a yard here with grass which is nice, but I can't get down the big things called stairs so my mom has to pick me up and put me out. It's easier just to go to the bathroom inside but she seems to run around a lot when I do that. Then just when I was starting to feel secure and getting into everything, my mom got me a pink thing called a "collar" that she put around my neck and I do not like it at all. It itches and I can't get it off. Then there is a thing called a 'leash'. It's a pretty pink color too but now it's hanging off me and I don't know why. I do know Carlos keeps catching it and pulling on it. Mom said it is so she can take me for a walk. She said she is going to take me to school. I don't know if I like the sound of that.
I found another puppy just like me upstairs. I try to play with her and when I jump, she jumps, but she never will play with me and when I try to get to her I bump my head on her. It's very confusing. She looks exactly like me! My mom calls her Rosa Lee.
I have learned a lot in the 3 days I have been here.
That thing called Carlos is a cat. I'm not sure what to make of him. He seems friendly but he is really big and he makes funny noises like the snakes I have seen on TV when I get too close. The other thing that moved so fast is a cat too and his name is Kato. My mom says he is psychotic. I don't understand because she said he was a cat. He isn't around much and when he is he seems to be in the air a lot.
There is a yard here with grass which is nice, but I can't get down the big things called stairs so my mom has to pick me up and put me out. It's easier just to go to the bathroom inside but she seems to run around a lot when I do that. Then just when I was starting to feel secure and getting into everything, my mom got me a pink thing called a "collar" that she put around my neck and I do not like it at all. It itches and I can't get it off. Then there is a thing called a 'leash'. It's a pretty pink color too but now it's hanging off me and I don't know why. I do know Carlos keeps catching it and pulling on it. Mom said it is so she can take me for a walk. She said she is going to take me to school. I don't know if I like the sound of that.
I found another puppy just like me upstairs. I try to play with her and when I jump, she jumps, but she never will play with me and when I try to get to her I bump my head on her. It's very confusing. She looks exactly like me! My mom calls her Rosa Lee.
Friday, March 16, 2007
The Vet
I slept really well last night and I can barely remember where I was before yesterday. Today we went to see someone called the vet. He poked and prodded but then he said I was really cute and healthy and everyone was happy so I guess it was good. He said I weighed 2.4 lbs.
Lily Rose goes to the vet
Thursday, March 15, 2007
My New Home
March 15
Now my name is Little DJ. I am 6 weeks old and I have human kids to play with and have a lot of fun with my dad DJ and my sort of puppy half sister Emmie Lou.
But today DJ and Emmie Lou’s mom put me in a box and then in a car and then on a boat called a ferry. She said I was going to my new home. I was really scared. I just went to sleep and hoped when I woke up it would have been a bad dream. But it wasn’t. We got off the ferry at a place called Mukilteo and there was a lady there who grabbed me and just started hugging me. She really seemed to like me a lot; she kept saying I was the cutest thing she had ever seen. It felt pretty good when she was cuddling me up against her. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.
So then I said goodbye to DJ's mom and my little human brother and this lady put me in a box in her car and we went on a long ride. She told me she was my new mom. She talked to me a lot and left her finger poking through the door so I could smell her. Pretty soon I went to sleep. When I woke up, we were in a park in a place called Federal Way cause I had to go to the bathroom but she said we were not “home” yet. So then I got back in the box (she called it a carrier).
Then we got “home” and I met my new family. There is a huge furry thing she calls Carlos and there is something that moves really fast called Kato. I’m not quite sure what it is because it was just a blur. The Carlos thing seems friendly but he is so big. I wonder what he is. I don’t think he is a dog.
But I am so tired I am going to go to sleep. This nice lady has a big cage for me with a nice soft bed and a little pink blanket and some toys in it. There is a big brown thing in there that looks like a pillow, about 10 times bigger than me, and a cute little long pink bunny called a loofa. I am going to get in my bed and cuddle up against it and go to……….
Now my name is Little DJ. I am 6 weeks old and I have human kids to play with and have a lot of fun with my dad DJ and my sort of puppy half sister Emmie Lou.
But today DJ and Emmie Lou’s mom put me in a box and then in a car and then on a boat called a ferry. She said I was going to my new home. I was really scared. I just went to sleep and hoped when I woke up it would have been a bad dream. But it wasn’t. We got off the ferry at a place called Mukilteo and there was a lady there who grabbed me and just started hugging me. She really seemed to like me a lot; she kept saying I was the cutest thing she had ever seen. It felt pretty good when she was cuddling me up against her. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.
So then I said goodbye to DJ's mom and my little human brother and this lady put me in a box in her car and we went on a long ride. She told me she was my new mom. She talked to me a lot and left her finger poking through the door so I could smell her. Pretty soon I went to sleep. When I woke up, we were in a park in a place called Federal Way cause I had to go to the bathroom but she said we were not “home” yet. So then I got back in the box (she called it a carrier).
Then we got “home” and I met my new family. There is a huge furry thing she calls Carlos and there is something that moves really fast called Kato. I’m not quite sure what it is because it was just a blur. The Carlos thing seems friendly but he is so big. I wonder what he is. I don’t think he is a dog.
But I am so tired I am going to go to sleep. This nice lady has a big cage for me with a nice soft bed and a little pink blanket and some toys in it. There is a big brown thing in there that looks like a pillow, about 10 times bigger than me, and a cute little long pink bunny called a loofa. I am going to get in my bed and cuddle up against it and go to……….
Lily Rose goes to her new home
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I was born today
January 17, 2007
I’m a little black Shih Tzu. I was just born today and I'm really a little scared because I don’t know much about this place called ‘the world’. They tell me I am cute though. My mom’s name is Zoe and my dad’s name is DJ and we live in Oak Harbor, Washington.
I’m a little black Shih Tzu. I was just born today and I'm really a little scared because I don’t know much about this place called ‘the world’. They tell me I am cute though. My mom’s name is Zoe and my dad’s name is DJ and we live in Oak Harbor, Washington.
Lily Rose was born today
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