Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My mom's birthday is today

Today is my mom's birthday. She went to Olympia but I couldn't go because she went somewhere called "Red Robin" where she said they were giving her a free dinner and sundae (isn't today Tuesday?). But she brought me a present. It's a "Dog Trick Kit" and there is a book with 15 tricks to learn, and a frisbee, and a bell, and a clicker. I can't wait to see what she is going to teach me! And she said that she is going to let me pick out an outfit as a combination celebration of our first sale and a present for me for her birthday. So now i have to go through www.doggypanache.com and see what I want. Should I get something from canine couture or from everyday chic? or maybe some pink camo? I do need a new bed too. Boy, this is going to be hard.

Speaking of coats, this morning I went to the groomer for the first time. She lives close by; in fact, we walked there. She is really nice. Actually there are two groomers and they are both nice. There were two other Shih Tzus there. And now I see the world in a whole new light because first they trimmed all the hair away from my eyes. Wow. It is awesome. My eyes feel way better without that hair in them. Then they did my nails. They were totally impressed by me because my tail wagged the whole time. My mom asked about having me clipped down because once the rains start they last all fall and winter and when I get wet, it takes me hours to dry. I know she doesn't like me jumping on her when I am so wet, but I don't feel wet on the inside. But they said my coat was the shiniest coat they had ever seen and it would be a shame to clip it. (It must be that cold-pressed Norwegian cod liver oil I eat every day.) So I am going next week and they are going to trim my feet and shave all the inside of my legs and my tummy and see if that helps. My mom said she may have me clipped later on. So I will probably need a raincoat for sure!

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