Friday, September 14, 2007

Teeth Like Tombstones!

My mom checked my teeth again today. She said they look like tombstones in an abandoned cemetery. On the bottom in front, they are all crooked and one of my canines sticks out. She said I might have to have that one pulled. I sure hope not! And I am very undershot. That means my bottom jaw is much further out than my top jaw. This is normal since I am a Shih Tzu, but I guess mine is very bad. I do know I have to be careful not to get food stuck between to top front and bottom front teeth but I am careful to mostly eat with my big back teeth. She is going to take me to the vet one of these days so he can check them. I hope I don't have to have any teeth pulled! Ouch!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Oh no, I'm naked

My mom took me to the groomer again this morning. I sure like going there . But this time she left me. First they put me on the table and they cut all my hair off! I was pretty freaked out but they kept saying that's what my mom wanted. They said it was a shame because my hair is so long and shiny. But they said my mom wanted what was best for me. They left my topknot so I can still look like Pebbles Flintstone, and they left my tail long. After that was done, they gave me a bath and then they put a flower in my hair and a bandanna around my neck. When my mom came to get me she didn't even recognized me! "Mom, mom, here I am". But I was not in any hurry to go home because the groomer ladies are so nice to me. They talked to my mom for a while about a new show puppy the momma groomer is getting, a Doberman. Since my mom used to show Afghan hounds on the East Coast and in Denver, she was very excited for momma groomer.

So then we went home. It felt strange to not be able to flip my hair around when I tear around the house but I think it will be nice. What will be even better is that I won't have to get on the grooming table every day. All my mom will have to do is brush me really quick and put my topknot up. And now when I come in from the rain she can rub me with the towel. Before she couldn't because I would mat. But Carlos didn't recognize me. He got all big and swollen and hissed and growled at he. But then he saw it was me. He had me scared for a minute!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My mom's birthday is today

Today is my mom's birthday. She went to Olympia but I couldn't go because she went somewhere called "Red Robin" where she said they were giving her a free dinner and sundae (isn't today Tuesday?). But she brought me a present. It's a "Dog Trick Kit" and there is a book with 15 tricks to learn, and a frisbee, and a bell, and a clicker. I can't wait to see what she is going to teach me! And she said that she is going to let me pick out an outfit as a combination celebration of our first sale and a present for me for her birthday. So now i have to go through and see what I want. Should I get something from canine couture or from everyday chic? or maybe some pink camo? I do need a new bed too. Boy, this is going to be hard.

Speaking of coats, this morning I went to the groomer for the first time. She lives close by; in fact, we walked there. She is really nice. Actually there are two groomers and they are both nice. There were two other Shih Tzus there. And now I see the world in a whole new light because first they trimmed all the hair away from my eyes. Wow. It is awesome. My eyes feel way better without that hair in them. Then they did my nails. They were totally impressed by me because my tail wagged the whole time. My mom asked about having me clipped down because once the rains start they last all fall and winter and when I get wet, it takes me hours to dry. I know she doesn't like me jumping on her when I am so wet, but I don't feel wet on the inside. But they said my coat was the shiniest coat they had ever seen and it would be a shame to clip it. (It must be that cold-pressed Norwegian cod liver oil I eat every day.) So I am going next week and they are going to trim my feet and shave all the inside of my legs and my tummy and see if that helps. My mom said she may have me clipped later on. So I will probably need a raincoat for sure!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The seal in Westport

Today we went to Home Depot again, then we went to Westport. That’s on the south side of Grays Harbor, whereas Ocean Shores is on the north side. When we got there, we walked up and down and looked at fishing boats, which was cool. And my mom suddenly picked me and held me up at the railing at the marina. I swear I thought she was going to throw me in! But no, she wanted me to see the sea monster. At least I thought it was a sea monster (I have seen them on TV). It turns out it was a seal! Apparently some of the fishermen were throwing fish to it and it would dive down and come back up and splash the water with the fish in its mouth. It was pretty cool actually. Then we went to a place called Twin Harbors beach and I chased sea foam. I also chased some guy’s kite but I didn’t catch it because it took off into the sky like big red bird! The sand was really soft and deep and it was so hard to walk it wore me out, not like at Ocean Shores, where the sand is a little firmer. My mom found a sand dollar and some pretty white quartz. I was so tired from walking in the sand that I fell asleep as soon as I got in the crate, before the car even started. You know, I should have gotten myself a bikini from my site, . I already have one outfit. tching sun visor