Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Seattle and Adventures in Doggy Daycare

May 30, 2007

Today I made my first trip to Seattle. It's a really big place. I saw it when my mom brought me home that first day but I had never been there. We spent a lot of time down at the piers and there were lots of people who thought I was so cute.

Then we went to the Downtown Dog Lounge. One of my favorite shows on TV is "Adventures in Doggy Daycare" and that is filmed at the Downtown Dog Lounge in Seattle. It's a cool show and I watched it a lot. My mom promised me she would take her there on my first trip to Seattle. So we went yesterday. It is the coolest place ever. There is dog stuff everywhere, and dogs everywhere, and the walls have big black and white spots all over them. It looks just like on the TV show! As soon as we walked in the door, this really nice girl named Morgan grabbed me and started carrying me around. She took me in the back to show me to everyone back there and I got passed around so everyone could hold me. I had a blast.

My mom said next time we go to Seattle, she may leave me there while she goes looking for crab boats (she really is into that, I don't get it at all) and goes to the Ballard Locks. It would be fun to get a manipedicure and a beauty treatment at the Dog Lounge, but I do enjoy going to the locks too.

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