Saturday, September 1, 2007

The seal in Westport

Today we went to Home Depot again, then we went to Westport. That’s on the south side of Grays Harbor, whereas Ocean Shores is on the north side. When we got there, we walked up and down and looked at fishing boats, which was cool. And my mom suddenly picked me and held me up at the railing at the marina. I swear I thought she was going to throw me in! But no, she wanted me to see the sea monster. At least I thought it was a sea monster (I have seen them on TV). It turns out it was a seal! Apparently some of the fishermen were throwing fish to it and it would dive down and come back up and splash the water with the fish in its mouth. It was pretty cool actually. Then we went to a place called Twin Harbors beach and I chased sea foam. I also chased some guy’s kite but I didn’t catch it because it took off into the sky like big red bird! The sand was really soft and deep and it was so hard to walk it wore me out, not like at Ocean Shores, where the sand is a little firmer. My mom found a sand dollar and some pretty white quartz. I was so tired from walking in the sand that I fell asleep as soon as I got in the crate, before the car even started. You know, I should have gotten myself a bikini from my site, . I already have one outfit. tching sun visor

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